Wednesday, June 29, 2005

malaysia boleh

Eezie cafe
we just came back from an exciting hockey match between malaysia and south the junior world cup in rotterdam..malaysia the underdogs took on the tall south africans and came out 4-1 winners! what a match...the score would have been 2-1 to the malaysians, but because of the brilliant supporters, we felt like we added to the 2 extra goals...haha..
sultan azlan shah was there to give his support and sarjit & co delivered a match worthy of potential champions....its a breath of fresh air compared to usually seeing our national teams thrashed at almost every sport known to man...the next game is tomorrow, against argentina who also won their game against germany today...and on saturday sarjit & co will take on germany, we might well go there and watch that match to add to the goals...and after that to a nice british school summer food fair...yum yum...
well done to the malaysian jr. hockey team!


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