Sunday, August 28, 2005

dutch farm

Eezie cafemy dept vp invited the whole dept to a barbq on his farm yesterday, it was a very enjoyable experience for us both, the place is very much in the sticks, but not too deep in the sticks..nice drive up past the countryside and managed to drive along a dijk which is flooded with modern windmill...holland is a very windy place after all...the host has a nice old tractor, a '135' for those tractor experts..tapi tak dapat drive...but his wife reckons it could be arranged if they do it again...its cycling to badminton today...enjoying the brief nice weather, got a workout on the courts today....justified a little oily pesto chicken pasta...right now munching on freshly roasted cashew nuts...straight out of the oven...very tasty!


Blogger Dil said...

i have pass u a meme... please check my blog at and see seven meme

7:12 am  

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