Friday, August 19, 2005

perfect dutch summer

Eezie cafe
the perfect dutch summer....rain...cloudy...cold north winds...
but that wasnt how the day started, took a day off today, for once....we pergi to a town in the north called alkmaar, famous for its cheese bukan macam pasar taman tun, tapi a ceremonial presentation of how the belanda do a show menjual cheese....menarik jugak the show...lots of people surrounded the town square in front of the cheese museum, where it takes place every friday from april to september...mostly germans actually, some other europeans, japanese/asians incl. us. the town is actually very nice to walk and visit...worth adding it to the list to bring visitors to...we got some cheese, of course, a huge ball of edam...apparently you shouldnt get the red coloured ones, those are factory should get the farm made ones...yellow coloured waxy cover...tenguklah how it tastes like though..
we also got a wok steamer from a cooking shop having a small sale...hmm..look forward to some nice steam fish or kueh pau...i quite miss the pau tanjung malim...during those days on the way down from penang to kl...i used to buka puasa with those pau's as well....heavenly stuff...
lets hope the weather is not so perfectly dutch this weekend...plan nak pergi tenguk some kapal in amsterdam...ada show this weekend...boleh check out at htttp://


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