kenyang bodoh
Eezie cafe
finished one week of puasa oredi...must say it has gone real quick...trying hard not to suffer from the kenyang bodoh syndrome after buka...when you just nod off in front of the tv and realise that you have to go to bed and missed terawih...the mrs and i try to terawih as much as possible, at home....good time to brush up on those ayat longest one is surah al-a'laa (the highest), i quite like that one....and of course the usual tiga qul's that gets frequently repeated everywhere! we do 8 only 3.
tonite we had soto, thanks to the guvnor....buka with keledek goreng and dates of course.....still got keledek since we bought a rather big piece (that happens when you buy food during puasa!)..we also have our weekly majlis berbuka hosted by the embassy..good time to mengeratkan silaturrahim...and feast on the range of food..thats when you feel more like at home, with lots of choice of kueh muehs and the different dishes being prepared by all the also get better surahs for terawih since we have a better imam than me! one of our colleague's wife lurves to give us food (cant complain now can we!), and in rather large quantities for the two of us, so we have been taking our time finishing them off...the last one took us three sittings to finish the lompat tikam dessert...which reminds me that i actually learn more about malaysian food whilst out of the country...(things like lompat tikam, laksam, nasi kerabu etc, actually kelantanese food, since there is this kelantanese lady who is an excellent cook)...
lets hope i dont get too kenyang bodoh too often for the rest of this holy month..
finished one week of puasa oredi...must say it has gone real quick...trying hard not to suffer from the kenyang bodoh syndrome after buka...when you just nod off in front of the tv and realise that you have to go to bed and missed terawih...the mrs and i try to terawih as much as possible, at home....good time to brush up on those ayat longest one is surah al-a'laa (the highest), i quite like that one....and of course the usual tiga qul's that gets frequently repeated everywhere! we do 8 only 3.
tonite we had soto, thanks to the guvnor....buka with keledek goreng and dates of course.....still got keledek since we bought a rather big piece (that happens when you buy food during puasa!)..we also have our weekly majlis berbuka hosted by the embassy..good time to mengeratkan silaturrahim...and feast on the range of food..thats when you feel more like at home, with lots of choice of kueh muehs and the different dishes being prepared by all the also get better surahs for terawih since we have a better imam than me! one of our colleague's wife lurves to give us food (cant complain now can we!), and in rather large quantities for the two of us, so we have been taking our time finishing them off...the last one took us three sittings to finish the lompat tikam dessert...which reminds me that i actually learn more about malaysian food whilst out of the country...(things like lompat tikam, laksam, nasi kerabu etc, actually kelantanese food, since there is this kelantanese lady who is an excellent cook)...
lets hope i dont get too kenyang bodoh too often for the rest of this holy month..
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