Thursday, November 02, 2006

New chapter

Eezie cafe

its daddy izi in the house, as i write this with my new status as a dad...the little one has alhamdulillah arrived on 20 oct bersamaan dengan 27 Ramadhan. imanee nazeefah is her name and she is now doing fine after a little rough and tumble start to her new life. we celebrated raya this year with only me allowed out, with the wife and baby in the hospital recovering from the birth. it all went so quick, i was in a daze for a good couple of hours after it. the whole thing took just over 4 hrs, from the first real contraction, to me saying Ya Allah, the baby is coming out! it was an indescribable feeling to see your own flesh and blood joining you into this world....luckily there was plenty of help in the OR (last counted 9 of them excl us!) so i didnt have to fumble with the camera. she looked so fragile, i have a little phobia about holding newborns, but man, when its your own for the first time, all that is put aside.
she is now almost two weeks old, and already starting to make an impression of her own...she must be:
- warm (toasty)
- dry
- fed properly
the first i attribute to being an anak malaysia. none of this cold weather business...mind you it was very warm in the ICN unit at the hospital, so she could have gotten a quick liking to that from there.
nuff said for now - i havent blabbered for a while, not sure when the next one is, so till the next time.