Saturday, February 10, 2007

tak leh tidur lah

Eezie cafe
been a long time since i find myself unable to sleep. lil l nazeefah's mum has put the white flag up and needs me to take over the duties...its the weekend so its no problem, except that i am getting a cold as well. took some lemsip, and hope it will help. since i cant sleep, thot i scribble on this page, my first for 07. life has never been the same since end october last year, but it has been much better. enjoying this dad thing a lot, it comes with its own set of challenges, but the reward makes you forget about it all. its great to see the progress they make...will do it again :), but not so soon lah ok..
just got our new passports from the london high com, after almost two months. i am not very lucky with passport renewals, always takes forever. means now i can progress my work permit appl for miri. indeed we are heading there next month, this will prob be my last blog on this side of the world...gonna miss the life here, but theres always something to look forward to. it does mean that the mrs has restarted the london trip talk again...well, as they say, satu empat jalan.
wouldnt mind doing the london things again for the last time in a while, lobster noodle, nahar, ayuthiya, selfridges sandwich, yo sushi, fortnum mason cookies...seeing a trend yet? of course, we will be getting books for the lieverd, not sure what the stock will be like in miri...prospects are not too good for that sort of mate lan might be in town as well...wud be good to catch up again since his last trip last summer.
so, till the next time, tot straks.